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Autonomie als waarde, december 2012 (2de druk 2014)

I Live in Michael Hartnett, gedichten, april 2013

Van Masaccio tot Moeder, gedichten, augustus 2013

in voorbereiding:   

Sterven doe je met de ramen open. Prenten en gedichten, 2014.


nieuwe renderings, februari 2014 (Hodgkin)

nieuwe poëzie, januari 2014

Augustus Young


Photograph with Poet*


after Huib Fens


His smiling face is carefree.
He’s between two smirking men.
Something funny has been said
(by who’s taking it, perhaps).

Somewhere in the room a fire
smoulders turf. No more than that.
A chap with a brandy looks
at us. The others, elsewhere.

There’s a draught under the door.
It’s cold outside, and the wind
rattles the tiles on the roof.
Smoke from the chimney tangos.

He seems to have forgotten
who he is, can no longer
hear himself speak. Everything
round him is disappearing .

His keeps his eyes tightly shut
until it hurts. An inscape
recorded in a split second.
The shutter opens again.

* Michael Hartnett (1941 – 1999)

